Santander had said 'sorry' to the many customers who faced various problems with the bank and given away small cash amounts to some.
In the incident highlighted through this blog, it took Santander over 2 months to even say 'sorry' after admitting it was their fault.
Furthermore, as indicated in the 'Broken Promises' section of this blog, Santander bosses have been admitting from 2007 onwards, that they have to improve the bank's service standards. It has also been reported that Santander has been rated at the bottom in surveys carried out since 2007 (Guardian / Money)
Therefore, it appears that in spite of Santander's many "Sorry" responses and "Promises" problems still need to be addressed.
This could possibly mean that Santander did not put in the maximum effort to improve its service standards, although it was known from as early as 2007 that problems needed to be addressed. If the bank had put in the maximum effort, since many problems still exist, it could raise the question whether Santander is actually capable of at least providing the minimum level of service customers expect from a bank ...